Author: krystenconner

3 insights I learned from a VP of Sales at Salesforce changed how I do Discovery:

  1. No leader gets hired to keep things the same
  2. Leaders get hired to duplicate their past success
  3. What keeps leaders up at night is Risk

How to turn that into the best Discovery Conversations:

  1. Start the call with a recently hired exec by saying you “have a hunch they probably didn’t get hired to keep things the same”
  2. “I’m curious…what are the 2 biggest things your leadership wants you to change?”*
  3. “Those are big changes. What risks do you foresee in the next 3-6 months?”**

*Even better if you’ve done your homework and throw out 2-3 things you think they may have been hired to do (build an outbound motion, take the product upmarket, modernize process).

**Doubly better if you also come with a point-of-view on the risks they might be facing: economic conditions, competitive landscape, culture/politics of the org.

Many Leaders just got hired or promoted after the New Year.

Leaders are passionate about what they got hired to do.

Ask them.